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The World of Sabbih 

A True Story On The Power Of Education And Generosity.

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Le Monde de Sabbih

Format: Ebook - Livre Disponible

Sabbih, une jeune fille talentueuse qui habite dans le village de Paje à Zanzibar en Tanzanie. Elle rêve de devenir ingénieure  en robotique mais sa famille n’a pas assez d’argent pour lui offrir ses études dans la grande ville de Stone Town. Ce qu’elle ne sait pas encore, c'est que la visite de deux canadiennes dans son village va changer sa vie.

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Dunia Ya Sabbih

Umbizo: Ebook - Kitinapatikana

Sabbih, msichana mdogo mwenye kipaji anayeishi katika kijiji cha Paje huko Zanzibar, Tanzania. Ana ndoto ya kuwa mhandisi wa roboti, lakini familia yake haina pesa za kutosha kumudu masomo yake katika jiji kubwa la mji wa Stone Town. Jambo ambalo bado hajui ni kwamba ziara ya wanawake wawili wa Kanada katika kijiji chake itabadilisha maisha yake.

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El Mundo de Sabbih

Formato: Ebook - Libro Disponible

Sabbih, una joven talentosa que vive en el pueblo de Paje en Zanzíbar, Tanzania. Ella sueña con convertirse en ingeniería en robótica, pero su familia no tiene suficiente dinero para pagar sus estudios en la gran ciudad de Stone Town. Lo que aún no sabe es que la visita de dos mujeres canadienses a su pueblo,  cambiará su vida para siempre.

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The World of Sabbih

Format: Ebook - Book available

Sabbih, a talented young girl who lives in the village of Paje in Zanzibar, Tanzania. She dreams of becoming a robotics engineer, but her family does not have enough money to afford her studies in the big city of Stone Town. What she doesn't know yet is that the visit of two Canadians women to her village will change her life.

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O Mundo de Sabbih

Formato: Ebook - Livro Disponível

Sabbih é uma jovem talentosa que vive na aldeia de Paje School, em Zanzibar, na Tanzânia. Ela sonha em se tornar engenheira robótica, mas sua família não tem dinheiro suficiente para pagar seus estudos na grande cidade de Stone Town. O que ela ainda não sabe é que a visita de duas canadenses à sua aldeia vai mudar sua vida.

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Discover the inspiring story of Sabbih, a determined young girl from a small village in Zanzibar,Tanzania who defies all odds to pursue her dreams of becoming a robotics engineer.


You should read it?

Reading a STEM robotic book is good because it can inspire and educate readers about the world of robotics, spark their curiosity, and potentially encourage them to pursue a career or hobby in this exciting and constantly evolving field.


On a true story 

The World Of Sabbih follows Sabbih's journey as she overcomes obstacles to pursue her dreams and shows us how a simple act of kindness can make all the difference in someone's life.


Is Paje School?

Paje School is in Paje, a village on the Tanzanian island of Unguja, which is part of Zanzibar. It is located on the southeast coast of the island.



Image by Valentin Salja
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Who is Sabbih?

The Main Character

Sabbih is a bright and ambitious girl from the small village of Paje in Zanzibar, Tanzania. 
She dreams of attending the prestigious STEM school in Stone Town. With a passion for robotics and DIY, she works tirelessly to study for and pass her exams. Despite facing financial barriers, her family rallies around her, encouraging her every step of the way.

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